There are all steps I followed in order to install a Home Assistant that covers all my needs.
In the past I had and played with a RaspberryPi and an old Conbee-II key. As I was in apartment with a plan to move out I never really used it and always prioritize my Google setup.
Now with my own House, it’s another story !
Step 1 – The first steps was to choose the correct setup for HA.
- My old Rasberry Pi.
Unfortunatelly, this one was very old and I didn’t had the patience to reconfigure everything.
I finally shipped a new Home Assitant Green via
Step 2 – The USB dongle
As said before, I had a Conbee-II USB dongle.
Even if I really would like to use the SkyConnect (for Matters support), I will first play with my existing key.
Step 3 – More material !
- I also need a router : my old NetGear will be used for now (will be replaced by a Ubiquiti UniFi Switch Flex Mini with POE)
Box to router to:- RJ45-house-1 (PC 1)
- RJ45-house-2 (PC2)
- RJ45-house-3 (Wi-fi Repeter)
- RJ45-house-4 (TV)
- My IKEA TRÅDFRI, replaced by the new IKEA DIRIGERA
- My FAI Box (Freebox Pop)
Connected to port1=router, port2=HA, port3=IKEA DIRIGERA - I had to invest on an additional Wi-Fi Repeater, as my box was on the garage.
- (I think I will have to invest on another Wi-Fi repeater, one for each floor as I the Wi-Fi keep disconnecting …)
Step 4 – Prepare everything for the setup
New installation, in a new house … I must do it properly !
- Few RJ45 cat 6 (at minima)

Physical Installation
There are very good videos on internet for installing Home Assistant.
To summarize:
- Open the Box of your HA-Green (or Yellow)
- Connect via Ethernet RJ45
I connected directly to my FAI box. - Connect the USB dongle (Conbee-II)
- Connect the power
- Start HA
Checking the leds (with several reboots), and finally :